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Abdominal Problems

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Relief from constipation

The various remedies to relief constipation have different mode of action. LACTULOSE is a stool softener it pull water from intestine. PARAFFIN is also a stool softener. ISABGOL HUSK is a common Indian home remedy, and used for treating constipation. It is a bulk forming agent. POLYTHYLENE GLYCOL increases the amount of water in the intestinal tract to stimulate bowel movements. There are several Ayurvedic and nutraceutical preparations also to relive constipation.

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Relief from Acidity

The antacids provides instant relief from acidity by neutralising acid present in stomach. Commonly used antacid are ALUMINUM HYDROXIDE, MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE.

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Supportive preparation for liver problems

Several nutraceuticals have been found to be effective in liver disorders. SILYMARIN has been used widely to treat liver disorders like acute and chronic viral hepatitis, toxin/drug induced hepatitis, and cirrhosis and alcoholic liver diseases.

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Digestive enzyme preparations

Inability to digest food because of various disorders can be relived by various enzyme preparations. Common enzymes are PEPSIN which breaks down proteins into smaller amino acids. AMYLASE is an enzyme which begins the chemical process of digestion. PROTEASE is an enzyme that increases the rate of proteolysis. There are other nutraceuticals also which helps in digestion of food.

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Appetiser with multivitamin Syrups

Appetiser syrups are usually fortified with vitamins. Common ingredients are LYSINE and L-LYSINE HCL, which are dietary supplementation and as an aid to stimulate appetite. Multivitamin and appetisers are used after illness to hasten recovery and other conditions which cause loss of appetite.

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Relief from Distension & Belching

The abdomen distension occurs due to excessive gas in intestine. Common salts used to relive this are TARTARIC ACID naturally occurs in plants like grapes, apricots, apples, bananas, avocados and tamarinds. It helps in reliving intestinal gas. CHARCOAL is used for intestinal gas , high cholesterol, hangovers, upset stomach. BAKING SODA (Sodium Bicarbonate) is a household remedy for abdominal distension.

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Urine alkaliser for stone prevention & UTI

The urine alkaliser make the urine alkaline thus reduce tendency of stone formation in kidney and urine tract. DISODIUM HYDROGEN CITRATE is a urine alkalizer. It is used for the treatment of urinary tract infections, painful or difficult urination, kidney stones, urinary acidosis, etc. POTASSIUM CITRATE is used to treat a kidney stone condition called renal tubular acidosis. It is also used to prevent kidney stones that may occur with gout.

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Disclaimer: Please do consult your doctor before ordering generic medicine or alternate brand, whether they are suitable for patient or not.